Tuesday, June 1, 2010

China Glaze Poolside: Sun Worshiper, Pool Party

Oh gosh! Again with the lack of posting. My bad :-P But I've got 2 weeks until Hawaii! So I'm just swamped with work, study and getting ready for travel. I did manage to pick up a few new China Glaze pretties (justification: I won't find these easily in Hawaii), two of which are from the poolside collection:

Here we have Sun Worshiper, Pool Party and Techno. Yeah, random glitter polish purchase. To go with my It's Bouquet With Me (meep). However if you think sun worshiper is more yellow, it's not! It's bright orange:

I freaking love them. Gorgeous colours, and I'll probably wear sun worshiper before I jetset off to Honolulu @_@

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