Sunday, August 1, 2010

OPI Flit A Bit and breakfast at Artespresso, The York Canberra

This is the last of my OPI Summer Flutter posts and I'm wearing Flit A Bit, a very bright orange cream:

Cute colour, very bright! Two coats below in another gloomy Canberra morning:

I don't know what attracts me to orange but I always seem to go for it... eye shadow, nail polish but not lippy.  Bad colour for my lips. I have learnt, no orange lippy for Leanne! Not for my skin tone but hey I think you can get away with wearing anything on your nails.

Looks prettier in flash :-P I think I was expecting it to be brighter, if that's possible. More like Essie Bright Tights! Bit streaky but I was clumsily applying at midnight so it wasn't going to be perfect.

Well unfortunately I've gotten the cold that's been going around work at the moment. The problem with working in such a large building with so many people is that I almost get sick monthly :-| But it's the boyfriend's birthday tomorrow so we decided to try breakfast at Artespresso at the York Canberra.

Cute building but I've lost count of the number of these blocky brown buildings that have popped up over the last few years. I even live in one :-P

I had the wild mushroom omelette with herb salad. Whenever I'm out for breakfast I always give the omelette a go. I'm not a big egg fan so I can't get eggs on their own but in omelette form I can cope. Unless it tastes eggy. Well I don't have all my tastebuds with me at the moment but it still was nice from what I could tell, haha. The boyfriend got the chocolate crepe:

I tried a bit, it was nice. The chocolate was pretty powerful.

This is where we wanted to go for breakfast but it was shut :-( We've been there before and I didn't like the one omelette I had but I was going to try the other on the menu. I believe the first one was with some cheese I wasn't familiar with so that might explain my dislike. But they have some fantastic apple pancakes.

This is why I severely dislike Canberra from June to August. Gloomy, windy, rainy, cold and frosty. Back home in Queensland it never got below 14. I don't believe it even gets to 14 most days here :-| Homesick? Yes indeedy! Please spring come here soon I want to go to floriade and get my Vienna macadamia nuts!


  1. Woah I thought I had bright nail varnish (from Armani) but these are even brighter!

  2. Ooh I've always wanted to try Armani, I'll definitely check it out! Those two polishes on your blog look fab!
