Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day 25 of the Nail Polish Advent Calendar: MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Merry Christmas everyone! Yes it's finally here and I hope everyone is with their family and friends having a wonderful Christmas Eve/Morning (depending on your location ;-) I promised one last polish and here it is: China Glaze Emerald Sparkle!

What no layering? Emerald Sparkle doesn't *need* layering, it's just that gorgeous on its own. And I know there were some repromotes with different formulas way back when and quite frankly I'm not sure which version I have but who cares - it's gorgeous.

Emerald Sparkle is just the ultimate holiday polish and is fitting for Christmas Day. Well, that's it for me, I'm going to be enjoying a nice break for a while but hopefully fit in a boxing day blog post or two in the very near future.

Anyways, since it's Christmas I thought I'd share a few snaps of our time here at the moment. It's not a white Christmas in Australia, but up north it's been a very wet and rainy Christmas holiday.

This is our mini pink Christmas tree. Pink with butterflies and pink decorations. I think I'm gonna steal this before mum sees!

This is a very cheeky kookaburra. I opened the door and he almost flew straight in! He's saying peek a boo!

I think we have a family of five kookaburras in the area. They are so cute even in the rain!

This is bluey, one of my two very fat cats. He's beautiful and he knows it ;-)

My other cat is guarding the Christmas presents!

Hope everyone enjoyed the Advent Calendar and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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