Wednesday, May 11, 2011

MAC Quite Cute Nail Polish Swatches and garden nail art ;-)

So I wasn't tempted by the cool colours of the MAC quite cute makeup collection but I did see some pretty polishes. I was so torn, MAC polishes are expensive and the brushes are quite frankly, crap but they were looking so pretty. I ended up buying them :-) And I was inspired to use the mint green Mischievous Mint to do some garden nail art:

Inspired by my last post and my Hello Kitty calendar :-) Onto the swatches!

Left to right we have 3 cream finish polishes named Ice Cream Cake, Mischievous Mint and Little Girl Type.

Above is Ice Cream Cake, a bright cool pink. These are about 3 coats I believe with top coat. This one is my favourite.

Above is Mischievous Mint and like the name suggests, it's a mint green.

Above is Little Girl Type and it's a pale purple. Lovely. The pink is still my fave though :-D And if you think these colours look familiar, take a look at 3 of the OPI Pirate collection colours next to this collection:

Look familiar? Yeah the OPIs are more muted but I'm still feeling a little silly for owning all of these :-P

Now onto the disappointing aspect. MAC nail polish brushes. Honestly. The majority of my MAC nail polishes look like this:

Look at that. And no it's not temporary, several uses and still a bristle pokes out waiting to ruin your mani. Believe it or not the pink one is much worse:

At least with the purple you can use one side of the brush and still get a nice mani. The pink sticks out in ALL directions and makes for messy application and quite a ragey Leanne :-P Seriously MAC learn how to make a brush? $22 for this crap? 'nuff said.

Well isn't it just so cold! I know everyone is cold but seriously try living in Canberra. It's ridiculous. No summer and now autumn is winter? Currently the apparent temp is 0.4 degrees. At the start of MAY :-| I thought my fingers were going to snap off walking home today. And I don't know if I got rained on, dripped on by melting frost or hailed on this morning.

Thought I'd post some pics from the weekend. I'm trying to grow some sugar snap peas. Yeah I have no idea how big they are going to get and I'm thinking a new pot for these soon! They are getting so tall.

Oh em gee. Tried to go out for mother's day brekky on Sunday and of course everywhere was absolutely packed, so we ended up going home sad with pre-made pancakes and strawberries. We made the best of it though :-)

Anyway that's it from me for now! I hope you enjoyed the swatches and garden nail art :-) And I hope everyone is rugged up here in Australia and if you're enjoying summer weather, I'm very very jealous! Until next time...


  1. The nail art is so cute!! I love the bee its adorable! :)

  2. Oooh sugar snap peas, yummy!! Love the MAC lacquers too, but i'm messy enough with polish as it is without adding a crappy brush into the equation :P Adore your little ladybug!

  3. Such gorgeous nail art. Love it.
