Sunday, August 28, 2011

OPI Vintage Glow in the Dark Halloween and Nail Art Ideas!

Hello lovelies! At the time of writing this I am still awaiting my 2011 OPI Halloween mini set so I thought I'd bring out the 2009 set that I got a hold of because it has a special polish they are bringing back for 2011 - Glow in the dark! Of course I took an 'in the dark' shot :-D

Now this box looks a little beaten up inside we have 4 mini OPI polishes and some FREE TATOOS! Haha. I hope those aren't coming back in 2011 :-S The gothic cuff bracelet from last year didn't get a lot of use either ;-)

Left to right we have Witch Arm? Glow-ink In The Dark, Tattoo You Want Candy? and lastly I Love Mummy. The purple is the glow in the dark polish :-)

Witch Arm? Shown above with 2 coats. Standard glossy black.

Glow-ink In The Dark above with about 4 coats I believe - this should probably be layered and halloween 2011 is bringing out a green version of this glow in the dark polish with the Spookettes collection. The other 3 colours in the Spookettes set are JUST like this collection - a black, white and an orange! I am eager to see if they are exactly the same.

Proof of glow in the dark polish. I also believe China Glaze are coming out with a glow in the dark polish this year. The battle of the shatters will now be the battle of the glow in the darks? Oh my.

Above is Tattoo You Want Candy? with 3 coats. I really love this colour and it will be good if it's repromoted with the 2011 set.

Above is I Love Mummy with 3 coats. I would say this is exactly like Alpine Snow. Which is great because I go through white nail polish like no tomorrow with all my nail art ;-)

Now the other great thing about these halloween sets is that they typically come with nail art how-tos on the back! Last year's was a bit 'meh' but I noticed the 2009 set was actually pretty cool!

I was mostly intrigued by the designs on the right and decided to test out a couple and see how well they turned out. Sadly, I had very short nails when I did these so one of them didn't work out, but I have two designs:

Firstly the spider webs! This is my favourite, the orange is gorgeous (although it looks VERY similar to Flit A Bit from Summer last year - maybe more sheer and a bit deeper) and the webs contrast nicely!

The second one is candy corn I think? Don't ask me, I'm Australian :-P I think it's missing yellow but that wasn't included in the set so I left alone.

Well that's all I have for now! I hope you enjoyed the swatches and you are inspired for Halloween! Even though it's a little while away... I absolutely LOVED haunted house type things growing up so I am eager to get into the nail art this year ;-) Also, I got back to Australia yesterday! So I'm back and eager to snap piccies of my ridiculous purchases and do some travel posts! Anyways, I hope you're all having a fabulous day and I will see you next time!


  1. hahaahaha! "The second one is candy corn I think? Don't ask me, I'm Australian" how funny! I like the spider webs a lot though!!!(:

  2. :-D the spider webs turned out much better than I expected!

  3. This is exactly the same as this years but the glow in the dark is green! I wish they would change things up a bit :)

  4. Yup, I just got my 2011 set. Oh well :-/ I think I like the green better. It's more halloweenish :-)

  5. do you have video tutorials to show how you did the spider webs ?
