I was hesitant in getting this because the nail swatch made it look really sheer - and it was, it took me three coats to get it looking like the bottle:

I wasn't expecting a 'gold' colour, but I thought it was really nice on my nails. Uh, the colour difference was me switching from my Nikon D90 to my P80... as to which would be a better representation, I would say the second photo.
Ok where is the lush? :-) My thoughts exactly. I didn't get to go out to the city :-( But I want the '09 version of this gift box (I believe it has snow fairy):

Yummy yummy yummy is a fave. I'd buy it again but I want to try snow fairy :-) I'm not a big fan of the lip balms, probably because I love my Crabtree & Evelyn Aloe Vera lip balm. Definitely buying another one of those when my current one is used up. It's funny, I originally bought it as a Secret Santa present but decided to try it for myself. Worked out well :-D I like most lush soaps, more so than the showel gels simply because the bottles annoy me! I think I'd prefer a pump or a softer bottle.

Oh this is just my new toy. I saw this in Myer and thought it was so adorable! Then I left and my bf surprised me with it later that day. So sweet.