Sunday, November 21, 2010

Inglot O2M Nail Polish Swatches in 631, 641, 642, 644 to kick off another Aussie Summer!

In an earlier post I mentioned that I would be swatching the Inglot O2M breathable nail enamel polishes I got in Adelaide. And here are my pretties, in all their shimmer glory:

At $21 AUD a pop, they're not cheap, especially as Essie and Orly retails at $18.95 and OPI at $19.95. But it promises more than your regular polishes. They are supposed to be 'breathable' due to a polymer normally used in contact lenses. That said, I still wouldn't go without a base coat as the pretty mermaid green on the left did tint my nails blue every so slightly. But I skipped a base coat :-D Naughty Leanne. Onto the swatches! Here we have Inglot polish 631, a soft champagne colour:

The first thing I noticed about the formula is that it was so smooth and silky! You could keep going over it and no horrid half dried streaks. Sure that means it probably takes longer to dry but with Seche Vite you're sorted. Natural light shot below:

The only thing I noticed is that with the ease of application comes bubbles. So be careful to keep the formula applied thinly. I did 3 coats for these swatches but the mermaid green and light purple could easily be 2 coats.

This is Inglot nail polish 641 and it is love. Ok I am biased because I love purples but eeeeeep I heart this purple.

This particular formula was quite pigmented and you could have gotten away with 2 coats.

This is Inglot polish 642 and is more purple than the picture shows. I'm disappointed I couldn't capture it as purple as it appears in reality. But in no means is it an OPI Ink. It's purple. It does have a blue base similar to that of OPI Ink but the purple comes through more strongly...

Comes through even more blue in natural light as shown above. But it's purple :-P But not my kind of purple personally, but I just can't help picking up anything that looks like purple. I have a problem. I found this polish the most difficult to apply as it was so dark.

Last we have Inglot polish 644. Just gorgeous isn't it and so appropriate for summer (that's in 9 days !_!) After the shocking winter I've had, I'm counting. This mermaid green is very pigmented and you could do one to two coats but a base coat is required as it does stain blue a little... But at least it's not yellow ;-)

Natural light shot of 644 above. Peacocks and mermaid greens are so gorgeous for summer right now.

Speaking of which, it's almost summer - yippee! One good thing about Canberra is growing roses. Even in summer they blossom and don't require any maintenance (I should know as I do zero :-D). I should plant some more. Those buds above are going to be gorgeous! Hopefully I get a photo of them in full bloom.

Currently listening to: Too lost in you - Sugababes Not my type of music but for some reason this song gets me :-| Hmph. Until next post... which will most likely be more nail polish (sigh)

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