I wish there was a good dupe for this. I'm yet to find it. Yummy yummy yummy isn't as nice I feel. And this snow fairy scent really lasts. Unlike rock stair which fades quite quickly (but don't worry I still love you), snow fairy really packs a sweet punch.
I also got 2 more ex factor ballistics and another magic mushroom bubble bar. They're just too darn cute and nice smelling.
OT, we celebrated our Valentines day early (since I'm working this weekend). We went to Sabayon after my little lush splurge and it was lovely. No entree because I wasn't overly hungry but I had the potato and roast garlic ravioli. Delicious. Then what I think was a mango and lemon grass sorbet to cleanse the palate. Then banana tarte tartin! We were in a fairly dark area so sadly, I took crap photos :-( The food blogger will come out one day ;-)
Instead you can have something to laugh at: me foiled up getting my hair lightened. I got foils of ash brown and honeycomb (or so I'm told). I had a long time to wait so I read up on my MAC spring forecast collection and trashy mags.

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